For those of you that don't know, Jonny Cupcakes is a clothing brand founded in 2001 by John Earle. He created it by accident to begin with and when he saw a demand for the clothing he was printing for himself and band members, he began to sell them. Once the demand increased he was able to open his own clothing store and is now a multi-millionaire! To be fair, i hadn't heard of the brand either, but now i have, i love it! The logo design is dope and the store has a bakery theme, most of the point of sales being Bakery Ovens! So so cool. If only the Simmon's sisters would have thought of this first, their Pastry sneakers would have been so much more successful.
I remember shopping in Michael K in New York on Broadway and they had most of their sneakers advertised in fridges and stuff like that! i was inspired. Thanks again Maestro for another great episode, you never fail to please! Loved the soundtrack too, Sourmilk is doing his thang!